Tuesday, May 1, 2012

More than content in the Valley

Mountaintops....oh mountaintops how I love the mountains!  One of my favorite things about North Carolina is the mountains! I love being at the top of the mountain, wind blowing in my hair, the smell of the trees in the woods, sound of the birds chirping, and the view of all of the beautiful creation that our Father has created!  We have those moments in life where we are thriving and succeeding upon that mountaintop, however a lot of our time is spent in the valley.  The valley is viewed as a place where we struggle, face trials that seem to never fade, meet pain and heartache....the valley is the place where many times we are helpless, desperate, and cling to the hope, that soon we will be free from the valley, and once again upon the mountaintop.  
This valley and I know each other pretty well now....I could run this valley backwards with my eyes closed.  I've been in this valley for a while now, and at the beginning, I desired more than anything to see the top of the mountain again, I was desperate to feel the sun on my face, and to breathe in a deep breath of the fresh air, that came from the top of the mountain.  I waited....and waited....and waited....and I'm still waiting.... and the mountaintop is yet to come.....
However the Lord has given me something that is so much more precious than the mountaintop, something that I never would have expected or dreamed.  He has opened my eyes and my heart, to what being in the valley truly is.  He has taken away from me all the things that I try to find happiness in, and has brought me to the valley where it can be Him and I only.  The valley is where He teaches and grows us, and makes our heart to look more like Him.  
While in this valley, the Lord began with opening my eyes to who I really am, to sins that I have never acknowledged before, to my pride, selfishness, and self righteousness.  For the first time I saw my heart for how it really is, and I was broken over how dirty I am.  For months I have struggled with my sin and my flesh, forgetting the grace and mercy of our Father....Forgetting that He deeply cherishes me, even though I am filthy....forgetting that I have been redeemed through His sacrifice on the cross....forgetting that I am HIS child, but focusing on the grossness of my heart.  I then allowed the enemy, the one who's name isn't even worth mentioning, grasp a hold on my life, I focused more on my dirtiness of my flesh, rather than the grace of the Lord.  I couldn't see how the Lord could love me, or how I could be a follower of Christ when my heart looks the way it does.  After months of tears, heartbreak, confusion, and desperation, the Lord brought me further into the wilderness, and poured His grace, mercy, love, forgiveness and redemption over my heart and my life.  He had mercy on me just as He did Israel....
"Therefore, behold, I will allure her, Will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfort to her." ~Hosea 2:14                                                                                               
He brought me to the lowest point that I have ever faced, to a place where I was more desperate than I have ever been before.  He loved me, despite the dirtiness of my heart, despite the way that I continually treat Him, despite my pride and selfishness....He brought me to a place where He, and only He would have my full attention, devotion and love.  He carried me to the wilderness....to the valley.....to a place that has become so precious to me, because daily, He is transforming my heart.  
There is a danger of being on the mountaintop too long, we will eventually become boastful, prideful, and think that we do not need the help, or mercy of our Savior.  That is what happened to me, and it's a painful process to rid your heart of.  Mountaintops will come in our lives, however just like a real mountaintop, we must be careful that we don't get too close to the edge, and we must allow the Lord to lead us rather than take it in our own hands.  When the valley comes however, cherish those moments....allow the Lord to teach and mold your heart....allow HIM to break open your heart, and open your eyes to the wickedness of our flesh....and allow Him to pour His grace, mercy, and love over your life.  He desires more than anything, for our full and undivided attention...all of our praise, worship and love.  I have come to find comfort in being in the valley....comfort from the Father....comfort in knowing and understanding that He is all I need....comfort in His voice and His presence in my life!  


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