Sunday, August 26, 2012

For the Broken...

"Father they are broken
Broken to their core...
Their body, spirit, heart and soul are constantly being torn...
They are beyond recognition, 
to all our human eyes, but you Jesus take their heart, 
and only you can revive....
Revive their broken spirit, 
revive their broken lives
and may they not believe the world, 
when it feeds them lies.
Lies that they are ruined, 
lies that they're no good....
It's for these that are so broken,
 that Jesus shed His blood."

Thursday, August 9, 2012

One of those nights...

It's one of those nights...
You know the nights that your heart is so broken....that you know that sleep is no where to be found.

It seems that I've had quite a few of these here recently....

My heart is broken and burdened for children all over the world being sexually exploited and abused right now.  My heart feels a heaviness that it has never felt before.  As I'm sitting here in my home, with my family who loves me dearly, with food in my stomach, clothes on my back, and a bed to lay my head down, I feel broken because I know that there are so many right now being chained to a bed sold for sex.  For the past hour I haven't been able to move....I can't do anything but pray, I can't do anything but search through the word of GOD, I can't do anything but let the tears fall, I can't do anything but cry out to the Father on behalf of these precious girls.  I have the faces of so many girls running through my mind right now....the faces of the trafficked girls on the corner, when I was in SE Asia....the faces of the girls who were being trafficked in the spa we went to in SE Asia....the faces of the girls standing on the corner in Peru.....the face of the young teenage prostitute in NY that I everyday wish I would have talked to, and shared the love of Christ with....the face of Sweetie, a baby who was born into a brothel in India.  Not even 2 years old, she is not old enough to be trained yet, however she spends her days tied to a pole.  No one is allowed to touch her, for they want her to get used to the lack of love.  These girls don't know love...instead they have grown up experiencing cruelty, they don't know comfort, but instead abuse and brokenness.  Some never had the opportunity to be children, instead their body and spirit was broken into pieces and their lives have been shattered.

Father.....I pray that these girls are not only physically from the chains that bind them....but free from the weight and sin of this world!